Education: We specialize in creating quality content for students and teachers alike. contains free, original, and accurate content on over 120 known minerals. We would love to be of service to your department. Please let us know if you decide to use or mention us in the future, we really appreciate it.

Community: is a website dedicated to informing the ever growing gem and mineral community, as well as providing unbiased consumer education, all in a simple to use and friendly environment. Don’t worry you can trust us, we don’t sell gems we just provide the unbiased facts.

General: aims to provide easy to understand, searchable, sortable data related to gemstones.

We are a Koenig Media, LLC project and like our other ventures this one is free with no strings attached.

Web 3.0 Mobile: is coded using the latest technology. The site layout and design changes depending upon your device. It's super friendly for iPads, iPhones, Droids, as well as standard Desktops and Laptops.

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