Unarovite is a mineral with a hardness of 8 out of 10 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness [?]. These Cubicly structured gems are made of iron aluminum silicate, their full chemical compound being Ca3Cr2(SiO4)3.
Uvarovite is a rare, calcium-chromium emerald-green variety of Garnet. Together with grossular (calcium-aluminum) and andradite (calcium-iron), it makes up the series of ugrandite garnets. These three have similar crystal structure and form, but just have different chemical proportions.
It occurs in mixed crystals, so there is a partial replacement of some elements by others. It stands out from this mix as a beautiful, intense, deep emerald green. Fine pieces feature a sparkling, bright-green surface of small crystals that cover the rock thickly, evenly and smoothly. Large crystals are significantly darker.
It is very hard, heavy, fragile, and has no cleavage. Its crystals are transparent with a luster just a little less than that of diamond. It has a relatively high melting point and is insoluble in acids.
Its color is due to its chrome content, which is responsible for both the red of rubies, spinel, pyrope, and pink topaz; and also the green color of emerald, jade, alexandrite, jade, demantoid, and some tourmaline.
Uvarovite occurs in serpentine rocks rich in chromite. It is found in serpentinites, in igneous rocks with a high content of olivine, pyroxenes, etc., and other chromium-bearing rocks; also in skarns (metamorphic rocks consisting of calcium, magnesium, and iron silicates).
This rare mineral has been found among the chrome deposits of Syssertsk, in the Urals (Russia); in the Bushveld, Transvaal, (South Africa); and in the Kop Krom mine, Erzerum (Turkey). In Italy it has been found in Val Malenco (Sondrio), and at St. Marcel in Val d'Aosta. In Quebec, (Canada), California (USA)Fine specimens of well-formed uvarovite crystals come from Outukumpu, Finland.
Other names for uvarovite are chrome garnet, chromium garnet, and green garnet.
Luoshiliushi is a Chinese term for green uvarovite used as jade.
It is alternatively spelled as uwarowite or ouvarovite.
Uvarovite is often confused with emerald.
Because of the solid solution between uvarovite and grossular many green garnets are mistakenly termed 'uvarovites' when they are really chromian grossular.
Why isn't Uvarovite used in jewelry?
Despite its beautiful emerald-green color, uvarovite typically forms as tiny crystals too small for faceting. Most specimens appear as druzy (crystalline crusts) on matrix. Facetable crystals over 1mm are extremely rare.
What makes Russian Uvarovite special?
The finest specimens come from Russia's Ural Mountains, where it was first discovered and named after Count Uvarov. These specimens show the most intense green color and best crystal development, often forming perfect dodecahedral crystals.
Are large Uvarovite crystals real?
Individual crystals larger than 4mm are extremely rare and highly valuable. Most larger "uvarovite" specimens on the market are actually chromium-bearing grossular or other green garnets. True large uvarovites command exceptional prices.
What causes the intense green color?
The emerald-green color comes from chromium, the same element that colors emeralds. Uvarovite is one of the few naturally occurring chromium-rich garnets, which explains its rarity and distinctive color.
How can I tell genuine Uvarovite?
Look for small, brilliant green crystals forming druzy on dark matrix. Individual crystals show perfect dodecahedral form under magnification. The color should be consistently emerald-green, unlike the variable green of other garnets.
Why do some specimens appear darker?
Color intensity varies with crystal thickness and chromium content. Larger crystals may appear darker, while thin crystals or edges show brighter green. The most valued specimens show bright, uniform color.
Are Finnish Uvarovites different?
Finnish uvarovite specimens are noted for their association with bright chrome diopside, creating striking green-on-green specimens. While the crystals are typically small, these aesthetic combinations are highly valued by collectors.
The specific gravity [?] for Unarovite is 3.77, its refractive index [?] is 1.86-1.87, and its double refraction [?] is None.
Uvarovite was named after the Russian statesman Count Sergei Semenovitch Uvarov.
Industrial Usages
Uvarovite is used as a gemstone, but its commercial use is limited because it is so rare. It is rarely cut as cabochon or faceted as a gem, but it is prized by collectors.
It is seldom found in gem crystals of cuttable size, but in tiny proportions. The overall appearance of rock matrix specimens is so attractive, so thin-shaped pieces for setting in jewellery are made where much of the supporting matrix is cut away leaving a thick pile of medium-grain, bright-green vitreous uvarovite crystal covering from edge to edge.