Moldavite Gemstones & Minerals

The following is a list of Moldavite gems and minerals listed in our database. Click the pictures to get full data, click the X to remove the gem from the list.


Moldavite: No, despite its name, Moldavite isn't some fancy green mold growing in a cave! Moldavite is a forest-green tektite formed by a meteorite impact around 15 million years ago in present-day Germany. Found primarily in the Czech Republic's Moldau River valley. Known for its distinctive bottle-green color and wrinkled, sculpted appearance. Popular in jewelry and among metaphysical collectors. Due to it (read full)


Tektites: Tektites are glass specimens rich in silica that many believed were actually meteorites. But, the locations in which tektites have been found, and their chemistry, led scientists to suggest that they may not in fact have come from outside planet Earth. Another conjecture is that tektites are formed from rocks that melted after being hit by a meteorite. Tektites actually have a composition not unl (read full)